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Andean Memory

The Andean Memory program seeks to conserve the cultural heritage of the Puna Salteña by working with the communities in cultural events that value and transmit ancestral and local traditions. It also documents and seeks to preserve cultural practices in order to strengthen local cultural identity and ensure that the Andean legacy endures for future generations.


Tangible Heritage


Collaborate in the documentation, conservation, awareness and dissemination of material cultural property of Andean communities.



  • Implement survey, conservation and restoration projects.

  • Promote education and awareness of these assets.

  • Facilitate access to and dissemination of cultural assets through community museums, exhibitions and publications.

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Intangible Heritage


Promote and support Andean festivities, rituals and cultural heritage.



  • Encourage the transmission of knowledge, traditions and history of Andean peoples.

  • Document and disseminate studies and audiovisual materials on the practices and customs of the festivities.

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