Get to know us
About us
We are young people with experience working with communities from different parts of Argentina, developing projects with social and community impact. We take on the challenge of accompanying the communities of the Puna, to enhance their sustainable development.

Sustainable communities that promote access to rights and greater opportunities in the territory of the Puna.
We are a social organization that works to promote sustainable communities in the Argentine Puna, promoting access to rights and opportunities, through the development of participatory projects with communities and other social actors.

Trust is the basis for building our human and organizational relationships.
We promote the equal value of all people and cultures.
We are committed to the pursuit of excellence and
continuous improvement in all our processes.
We are convinced that the articulation with other actors multiplies the impact on the
development of communities.
We seek to generate new paradigms, ways of working and proposals that respond to local needs and opportunities of the environment.
Sustainability of the Puna
Economic Growth
of the Region
Promoting the tourist value of landscapes, local culture and natural attractions that function as the main catalyst for local productive projects and a tool for income distribution.
Social inclusion
Seeking to promote learning and education opportunities that allow the inhabitants an upward social mobility through stable, quality and well-paid jobs.
Territorial development and infrastructure
Generating basic infrastructure projects, information and communication technologies, and basic services.

Participatory Projects
Diagnosis and Information